Sunday, April 6, 2008

Welcome to the Feminist Workshop

Hello everyone and welcome to virtual space for the Feminist Workshop!

If you received an email from me, you should be enrolled as an author on this blog, but if you are not for some reason, simply email me and I will enroll you.

The '08 workshop, like the '07 workshop, left me with several questions based on our conversations and I hope that this space, as well as Thirdspace will prove a forum to begin "doing" as we discussed on Wednesday.

I know that several participants took pictures of the event, so perhaps we could inaugurate this blog with reflections on the '08 meeting and include some pictures.

1 comment:

T J Geiger II said...

The blog space is a great idea, Kirsti! Thanks again to you and Stephanie for a workshop that was engaging and hopeful (in a way that stranely seemed to anticiapte Cheryl Glenn's Chair Address with a theme of "hope for hope").